Chief Accountant in a logistic company:

„The ABC Tax team has recently prepared for us, in a very efficient and reliable manner, about a dozen transfer pricing documents which we urgently required in connection with the tax investigation that has just been started.”

Chief Financial Officer in a construction company:

“Introduction of the reverse charge VAT system into the building services sector was quite a challenge for our company. Owing to the professional and prompt support we received from the entire team of ABC Tax advisors, we had no major problems at all.”

Chief Accountant in a manufacturing company:

“Each year, in February, we conduct a CIT audit together with ABC Tax consultants. In this way, we are more confident that our tax settlements are OK.”

Chief Tax Specialist in a food industry company

“We received a transfer pricing analysis from our parent company, but it failed to account for its Polish subsidiaries, so the analysis could be rejected by our tax authorities. Fortunately, specialists from ABC Tax efficiently prepared a benchmarking study for us based on the data received from our Polish subsidiaries, which made it possible for us to meet our obligation resulting from the latest transfer pricing regulations.”

Chief Accountant in a manufacturing company

“Each year, members of the ABC Tax team prepare for us about a dozen transfer pricing documentations. Moreover, on the occasion of the recent tax investigation, they were extremely helpful to us in collecting materials and writing clarifications that the tax inspectors requested from us, thus significantly contributing to the smooth way this tax investigation was performed.”

Accountant in an electronic company

“Specialists from ABC Tax provide support for us in the form of ongoing advisory services by replying to our questions in the exhaustive but at the same time understandable way.”

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